Monday 27 September 2010


Today we woke up early and Hannes took us to the train station in Zurich. We got on the train first to Basel and then another train to Strasbourg in France. We arrived at the train station in Strasbourg at 11.10am and our hotel was just across the street from the station which was good as it was awkard carrying our bags around. We went up to our room on the 6th floor, put our bags down and then went for a walk.

Hannes, daddy and me at the train station in Zurich

Strasbourg has a water canal that runs all around it. We walked around the canal and through the centre of the town. It is very pretty with lits of old French and German buildings. My mummy took lots and lots of photos! We looked around some shops and then went into Strasbourg's Notre Dame Church. We saw Jesus on the cross, lots of stained glass window, a big church organ and I lit a candle for Merethe's mum who died on Friday, it was very nice.

Jesus on the cross

Stained glass windows inside the church

Daddy and me in Strasbourg

Me alongside the canal
After this we walked back to our hotel for a bit of a rest and then we went on a boat ride around the whole canal. There was head phones that you put on and they tell you about the history of Strasbourg. I learnt lots of things! Afterwards we had dinner at a really nice restuarant and then back to our hotel to sleep! It was a fun day in a very pretty town!

What a pretty sight!

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