Thursday 23 September 2010

Oslo Day 6

Today is our last day in Oslo. After our very late night we slept in until late. Mummy spent the morning packing and washing ready for the rest of our trip. In the afternoon Per took us to Holmenkollen where they are building a new ski jump ready for the World Championships in February next year. There used to be a ski jump here but beacuse it is very windy they needed to build a new one with wind barriers. It is huge!

The partially built ski jump

Looking straight up the ski jump

Per then took us to an old-fashioned wooden ski jump followed by a place which sells handicrafts (but only to find an ice-cream) and then to a place which makes American-style pizza for an early dinner - I had a (guess what....) margherita pizza. After mummy and I played soccer against some local girls (we won too!), we went to bed early so that we could get up at 4.30am to catch the train to the airport.

The old fashioned wooden ski jump

Looking down from the old fashioned wooden ski jump

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