Friday 17 September 2010

Oslo Day 2

Today we had a sleep in which was nice. We got up and had breakfast and then Aunty Merethe drove us in to the city and dropped us off. First we went to a famous park where all the sculptures are of naked people- I laughed a lot! My favourite one is of a small boy who is not very happy. Then we went to a playground and I had fun climbing on all the equipment.

Playing at the park

My favourite sculpture

The sculpture park

After this we walked to see the Royal Palace and we saw the King be driven into the palace in his car- he had a police escort and the Royal guards marched up and down.

The Royal Palace

The Royal Guards
After seeing the King we walked to see a castle overlooking the Oslo Harbour. It is really old and you get a good view of Oslo from up there.

Oslo Harbour
Then we had an icecream down along the water front and visited some shops. We saw a restuarant called Olivia- it is a pizza and pasta restuarant, my favourite food!!

Olivia restuarant

Me at the castle overlooking Oslo Harbour

Then we hopped on a bus back to Per and Merethe's house. When we got back daddy and I went to the park and played soccer- I beat him again! For dinner we had salmon, potato, pasta and salad. It was yummy. After dinner my daddy's cousin Atle's daughter named Maia (she is 10) came to visit and have a sleep over. She has been excited to meet me as she has never met anyone from Australia! She does not speak much English so I am going to teach her and she is going to teach me some Norweigan!

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