Friday 17 September 2010

Oslo Day 1

Our aeroplane to Oslo
Today we woke up early to go to the airport. It took 2 hours to fly to Oslo. Daddy's Uncle Per picked us up at the airport and he took us to his house and I met daddy's Aunty Merethe. Their house is pretty with a cool park across the street.

Per and Merethe's house

The park across the street
Me at the park

Once we put our bags down and said hello we had afternoon tea (which was ice cream and apply pie!) and then we went for a walk. We stopped at the local primary school and played in their playground. Along the way I collected lots of pretty flowers. After the school walked down to the Fjord to have a look.

At the school playground

At the Fjord

On the way we found an apple tree and I ate one fresh off the tree- it was yummy! That night we had a chicken stir fry for dinner and after dinner we watched some of the movie Mamma Mia - it was fun singing along with the songs! I then went to bed in my own room in a comfy bed and slept almost 12 hours!

Looking along Oslo Fjord

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