Monday 20 September 2010

Oslo Day 4


Today we slept in a bit. After breakfast I played football with daddy at the park while mummy went for a jog. Then we went into the city to meet daddy's cousin Anne Cecilie, her husband Paul and their kids Vilma and Thorvald. We met them at the Oslo Opera House.

People walking all over the Oslo Opera House

Inside the Opera House

Anne Cecilie works for the architect firm that designed the Opera House, so she wanted to show us her work. It is a cool but strange building. You can walk all over it! We had some yummy icecream and then we found a spot where kids can slide down the building- this was lots of fun!

Sliding down the Opera House

Me, Vilma and Thorvald

Then we went for a big walk as it was such a nice day. We walked all around the harbour foreshore (I got to have a ride of the back of the pram which was fun!) and we ended up having lunch at Olivia's restuarant! They have the yummiest pizza's here and I loved it. It was so fun eating in a restuarant with my name!

I got to ride on the back of the pram!

After lunch we had a look around and then said goodbye to Anne Cecilie and her family and caught the bus back to Per and Merethe's place.

Paul, Thorvald, Vilma and Anne Cecilie

We relaxed for a little while and played some football in the rain and then we went to a Norwegian football game. Uncle Per's local team is called Stabaek. Their home ground is where the European Song Contest was held! I had fun but Stabaek lost 3-0 so Uncle Per was not so happy!

Inside Stabaek's stadium

When we got home we had dinner and then off the bed- another fun day in Oslo.

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