Saturday 18 September 2010

Oslo Day 3

Today we got up early and Per drove us to Halden. This is where my daddy's mum and Uncle Per grew up. It is a small town near the border with Sweden. We got to walk on the bridge that connects Norway to Sweden and took a photo standing at the border. Daddy really liked visiting here as he remembers coming here when he was a little boy.

Daddy and I at the Norway/Sweden border

While we were in Halden we first visited the houses where daddy's mum and Uncle Per grew up and then we went to the fortress on top of the hill overlooking Halden. It is called the Festning. We walked up a lot of old stone steps and had a good view of Halden from up there. We could also see Sweden from here.

Daddy on front of the house where his mum grew up
View from the Festning

Me and daddy's Uncle Per

After this we went to the grave of daddy's Mormor (grandmother) and Morfar (grandfather), and also the grave of Per's Mormor and Morfar. They are next to one another which is nice. I found a four leaf clover and put it on the grave stone. After we visited the cemetary we went into the town and had a tradtional hot dog called a Pølse. It was very yummy and I had two! Then we went to look at a Sluse which is like a Lock. This is where the water is dammed and is stepped down a hill (see photos as it is too hard for me to explain!).

The Sluse

At the top of the Sluse

Then we went back to Per and Merethe's house and I played some more with Maia- she is really nice. Then her dad, step mother and half brother come over for dinner. We had tacos which was yummy. Then we played football at the park and blew up balloons and let them go off the balcony, I laughed a lot at this as it was funny!

Maia's dad, step mum and half brother

Then Maia had to go home so we exchanged addresses and promised to keep in touch. Hopefully one day she can come and visit me in Australia as this is one of her dreams!

Me and Maia!


  1. Hi Liv

    Looks like you are having loads of fun!
    Which is your favourite place so far?
    Can you speak any Norwegian now?
    Is all the food so yummy?
    Is anything there like Australia?

    Alex and Jordan(from soccer)

  2. Hi Alex + Jordan

    Yes I am having lots of fun! My favourite place so far was London. I can speak a few Norwegian words now, I will tell you them when I get home. Yes all the food has been very yummy, my favourite was the hot dogs in Norway. Europe is very different to Australia but I still like home the best!

