Thursday 23 September 2010

Prague Day 2

Today we went to Prague Zoo. To get there we needed to take two trains and then a bus. It took about 30 minutes to get there in total. The zoo is quite big and full of animals you do not see at home. We even saw owls that are awake in the daytime.

An owl awake during the day!

My mum really liked the Polar Bear! He was huge and was being very playful in the water. We watched him for ages! My favourite was the meerkats and daddy liked the monkeys.

A Polar Bear

A meerkat

A gorilla

Again we had sausages for lunch - they were very yummy. I wanted to go on a ride from the bottom of the zoo to the top but daddy discovered that all the machines here run on coins (no paper money allowed) and I had a choice of the ride or getting back to the hotel (the bus ticket machines also allow only coins). So we walked to the top instead!

We saw lots of animals. There were giraffes, elephants, penguins, snakes, turtles, all types of birds, tigers and lions plus many, many more!

A baby giraffe

A penguin

A lion

A tiger eating his lunch of fish and rabbit

After getting back to the hotel we had a rest until we did some more walking and shopping before finally we had a nice dinner at a restuarant on the other side of the square.

The restuarant we had dinner at

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