Monday 4 October 2010

Paris Day 1

Today we had a sleep in, had breakfast and then packed our bags and got on the TGV (a very fast train) to Paris! The fast train got up to 321km/hr at its fastest!

The TGV train
 The trip to Paris took just over two hours and when we got there we had to go on a different train to our hotel. The train system here is called the Metro and it zigzags all over Paris. My daddy is very good at figuring out where we need to go and figured out we needed to get one train, hop off and on to another train line where out hotel is! It is very confusing to me and a little bit scary as there is not a lot of time to get on and off the train, especially with all our baggage! Mummy nearly didnt make it on to the train!

Me at the Eiffel Tower
 Once we got to our hotel we dropped off our bags and went for a walk into the centre of Paris. Our first stop was the famous Eiffel Tower. We went all the way to the top in the lift which was a long way up! Up the top you can see the whole of Paris. From the Eiffel Tower it is 16,962km to Sydney!

The Australian flag

Me at the top of the Eiffel Tower

My mum took lots of photos from up the top and also from the second level which was much lower down the tower. We found out that later that night, that someone made a bomb threat on the tower and they had to evacuate everyone- so lucky we went when we did!

Looking down from the Eiffel Tower
 After we came back down from the Tower we headed off on another walk. This time along the Seine and along the way we saw the tunnel where Princess Diana was killed in a car crash (there's also a monument to her) and then we went to see the Arc de Triomphe. This is a famous archway built in the middle of a large roundabout. There are lots of lanes of traffic going around and around and it is crazy!

The Arc de Triomphe

After this we hopped on the Metro to see my mum's favourite church, Notre Dame. It is a very beautiful church and I can see why mummy likes it. After this we went to find a restuarant to book for dinner on Saturday (my mum's birthday). On the way I had an icecream and then it was time for dinner so we got on the Metro again and had dinner at an Indian restuarant next to our hotel. After this it was very late so it was off to bed for me!

Me outside Notre Dame

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