Sunday 10 October 2010

Dubai Day 1


After going to sleep at 2.30am I was woken up at 9.30am for breakfast. After a yummy buffet breakfast we caught a taxi to Dubai Mall. This is a really large shopping centre with lots of shops as well as an aquarium, an underwater zoo and an ice-skating rink. I visited all three! The aquarium can be seen by the visitors to the mall but I went in a tunnel under the aquarium where I saw lots of sharks (my favourite) and stingrays sitting on top of the tube. Next we went to the underwater museum where they had lots of animals (piranhas, turtles, worms and giant crabs) but my favourite animals were the pengiuns.

The tunnel under the aquarium

One of the sharks!

A cool crab

A cute penguin!

We had some lunch and then did some shopping, and then we found the ice-skating rink so we skated for two hours. When I was skating I met a girl who was also seven years old and was also visiting Dubai, from Iran. After a bit more shopping we had some dinner and then caught a taxi back to the hotel.
The waterfall inside the Dubai Mall

Me ice skatimg!

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