Sunday 10 October 2010

Paris Day 5


Today is mummy's 40th birthday! First we visited Sacre Coeur, another church that mummy likes. It sits on the top of a hill, I counted 313 steps from the street at the bottom to the cathedral! From the top of the steps you have a great view back over Paris. It started to rain a little bit while we were here, but it didnt last long!

Sacre Coeur Cathedral
 We also visited a famous market - the President Wilson Market - they sell things from all around France (fish, cheese, bread, salami etc), for lunch we ate Nutella crepes - yum. Then we took a trip out to a place called Jardin d'Acclimatation. This is a park where you can go on rides including roller coasters and ponies. My favourite was the giant swing.

Me and mummy on the giant swing

This roller coaster was fun!

This one was fun too!
After that we went back into town to meet up with Mum's friends from Australia who she hadn't seen for a long time, Greg and Bindi (and their three boys). They are soon on their way to Germany to drive a campervan through Europe. We had fun with them but soon we had to go to get changed as it time for mum's birthday dinner at a French restaurant called Roger la Grenouille (which means Roger the Frog!).

Daddy, Bindi, Daniel, Aiden, Cameron and Me

Me and mummy at dinner

The outside of Roger the Frog
Then we walked through the St Michel area where there were thousands of people, on our way to see Notre Dame at night. It was a fun area, I think I'll come back here without mummy and daddy one day. Just before I went to bed I got to see the Eiffel Tower at night. I think it looks better at night.

Notre Dame at night

The Eiffel Tower at night

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