Sunday 10 October 2010

Final Day


We got up early (6am) and had breakfast as soon as possible, and then we went to the airport. I got my last passport stamp (that makes six). We left on the Airbus A380 (which is now my favourite kind of airplane) for the long flight to Sydney- 13 hours. I watched lots of movies and had a bit of a sleep. Finally we landed in Sydney at 6.05am and we were all tired but glad to be home! What a fun holiday!!

Dubai Day 2


Today we went to Wild Wadi, which is a water fun park. It was very hot and sunny (38 degrees) so we made sure we put on lots of sunscreen. In this park you can take a tube ride which takes you through most of the rides without you having to walk around. There's also some smaller rides just for kids, and a wave pool (which was my favourite).

Me in the wave pool

The kids water slides

Me on a water slide

One of the tube rides
 My crazy dad went on the really high ride (called Jumeirah Sceirah) which is 33 metres from top to bottom. On this ride my dad's pants were ripped and he had to buy a new pair. Mummy and I thought this was very funny!

The giant slide

Daddy putting his ripped pants in the bin!
 We stayed at Wild Wadi until the late afternoon and later on we went to another famous shopping mall, The Mall Of The Emirates. This shopping centre is famous because it has a indoor ski slope. We didn't go skiing but watched the skiers for a while. It looked like a lot of fun. After dinner and some more shopping we took a long taxi ride back to the hotel. We had to go to bed early so that we could get up for our flight back home the next day.

Dubai Day 1


After going to sleep at 2.30am I was woken up at 9.30am for breakfast. After a yummy buffet breakfast we caught a taxi to Dubai Mall. This is a really large shopping centre with lots of shops as well as an aquarium, an underwater zoo and an ice-skating rink. I visited all three! The aquarium can be seen by the visitors to the mall but I went in a tunnel under the aquarium where I saw lots of sharks (my favourite) and stingrays sitting on top of the tube. Next we went to the underwater museum where they had lots of animals (piranhas, turtles, worms and giant crabs) but my favourite animals were the pengiuns.

The tunnel under the aquarium

One of the sharks!

A cool crab

A cute penguin!

We had some lunch and then did some shopping, and then we found the ice-skating rink so we skated for two hours. When I was skating I met a girl who was also seven years old and was also visiting Dubai, from Iran. After a bit more shopping we had some dinner and then caught a taxi back to the hotel.
The waterfall inside the Dubai Mall

Me ice skatimg!

Paris Day 5


This was a boring day. We had to catch our plane to Dubai. We waited at the hotel for the bus but the bus never showed up so we had to get a taxi which ended up being quicker. The plane trip took 6 hours and I watch lots of episodes of The Simpsons and played Bejewled Blitz 2! The plane to Dubai was a bit late leaving Paris and so we didn't get to bed until 2.30am and it was still 35 degrees! When we arrived  at our hotel someone got our bags for us, opened the door and gave us a drink of some really yummy juice. Our hotel room was really fancy, it had a bath and I had my own room.

Our hotel in Dubai

Inside our hotel room in Dubai

Our hotel in Paris

Paris Day 5


Today is mummy's 40th birthday! First we visited Sacre Coeur, another church that mummy likes. It sits on the top of a hill, I counted 313 steps from the street at the bottom to the cathedral! From the top of the steps you have a great view back over Paris. It started to rain a little bit while we were here, but it didnt last long!

Sacre Coeur Cathedral
 We also visited a famous market - the President Wilson Market - they sell things from all around France (fish, cheese, bread, salami etc), for lunch we ate Nutella crepes - yum. Then we took a trip out to a place called Jardin d'Acclimatation. This is a park where you can go on rides including roller coasters and ponies. My favourite was the giant swing.

Me and mummy on the giant swing

This roller coaster was fun!

This one was fun too!
After that we went back into town to meet up with Mum's friends from Australia who she hadn't seen for a long time, Greg and Bindi (and their three boys). They are soon on their way to Germany to drive a campervan through Europe. We had fun with them but soon we had to go to get changed as it time for mum's birthday dinner at a French restaurant called Roger la Grenouille (which means Roger the Frog!).

Daddy, Bindi, Daniel, Aiden, Cameron and Me

Me and mummy at dinner

The outside of Roger the Frog
Then we walked through the St Michel area where there were thousands of people, on our way to see Notre Dame at night. It was a fun area, I think I'll come back here without mummy and daddy one day. Just before I went to bed I got to see the Eiffel Tower at night. I think it looks better at night.

Notre Dame at night

The Eiffel Tower at night

Friday 8 October 2010

Paris Day 4


Today we visited Paris' most famous museum, The Louvre. On the walk up to the Louvre, which is called the Jardin des Tuileries, there are lots of ponds with chairs around then which I sat on. This would be really nice in summer, but a bit cool right now!

Sitting along the Jardin des Tuileries

The Louvre contains lots of artwork and it is so big that we only saw some of them today. I saw the famous painting the Mona Lisa, as well as as statue of Venus de Milo (her arms are missing, I don't know why everyone wants to see her).

The Louvre

The Mona Lisa

Venus de Milo

After the Louvre we had French hot dogs and then we walked around looking towards the Pompidou Centre which is a famous art gallery where all the building's pipes are on the outside of the building and are painted all different colours.

The Pompidou
After this we went back to Notre Dame, this time to go insidie for a look. It is just as beautiful inside as it is outside. Mummy took lots of photos, she loves churches! Then it was back to the hotel for some quiet time watching TV and colouring in.
One of the beautiful stained glass windows of The Louvre

Inside Notre Dame

Paris Day 3


After all the fun of yesterday, we needed a lazy day! First we went out to La Defense which is a plaza which includes a large arch which lines up with the other famous arches of the Arc de Triomphe and the one nearer the Louvre.
La Defense

Me at La Defense
 Then we went to the middle of town and did some shopping. There is a large shopping centre which was beautiful inside. My mum took photos of the ceiling which was very pretty.

Inside the beautiful shopping centre
We then visited the Paris ballet building and then off to the Hard Rock Cafe for mummy to buy another shirt! We then went back to out hotel for a rest. We found a laundromat near the hotel, and Mum sat there and waited for everything to wash and dry. That night we went to a realy nice pizza restuarant for dinner.

The Paris ballet